Bulgartransgaz EAD launched a public procurement for exploitation wells at the UGS Chiren

Bulgartransgaz EAD launched a public procurement implementing the staged expansion of Chiren underground gas storage facility. The open procedure includes activities involved with the investment design, procurement of the necessary materials and equipment, drilling of three exploitation wells (Well Е-76; Well Е-77; Well Е-79) at Chiren UGS, construction of their adjacent gatherings to a new Chiren compressor station and their commissioning.

The scope of the public procurement provides for an opportunity for the realisation of another three exploitation wells. The assessment of the award of the option shall be made according to the productivity of the first two completed wells of the procurement subject and after the integration of the data obtained from these wells into the available 3D model of the storage facility with a view to its further upgrade. That would ensure an opportunity to realise more wells within one public procurement to optimise the deadlines and the costs.

The construction of the facilities will create the technical possibility for the gradual expansion of the Chiren storage facility as it will increase its operational safety and boost its capacity.

The estimated value of the public procurement, including the option amounts to BGN 109 472 000, VAT excluded.

A Grant Agreement has been signed for the financing of the project for the expansion of Chiren UGS capacity by Bulgartransgaz EAD and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) totalling up to EUR 77 910 018. Bulgartransgaz EAD had notified CINEA about the circumstances that took place and resulted in the delay in the project realisation, and an agreement in principle was reached between the parties for the amendment of the term of the GA by the end of 2027.

For more information, see https://www.bulgartransgaz.bg/en/news/bulgartransgaz-ead-startira-obshtestvena-porachka-za-eksploatacionni-sondaji-na-hranilishteto-chiren-888.html

Source: Bulgartransgaz EAD